When it comes to making money online, affiliate marketing is an option one must also consider. This is something that could be learned anyone and does not require any degree or formal education.

Once you understand affiliate marketing, you can easily apply the techniques in any field you are in, to make money.

Simply put, Affiliate marketing is a form of digital marketing wherein you refer someone to any online product and when that person buys the product based on your recommendation, you receive a commission.

How to Start Affiliate marketing?

There are several companies that have affiliate programs. These are free to join any individual across the world.

Affiliate marketing works in 4 simple steps, as follows:

  1. Join an affiliate program
  2. Pick a product or products to promote. You will get a unique affiliate link.
  3. Share the link via Social media, Blog, YouTube videos, Facebook ads or any other form, to reach into the wider market.
  4. When someone makes a purchase, you earn a handsome affiliate commission.

Here are some methods which you can reach your targeted buyers:

  • One of the cheapest and easiest ways to start an affiliate marketing business is to start a blog. Start a blog in a targeted niche and use it to promote a product.
  • Get traffic from PPC sites like Google, Facebook, etc. and drive traffic to affiliate products or services.
  • Create a YouTube channel and promote products.
  • Create a small website and generate an email list so that you can keep sending updates and product promos to your list.
  • Keep your focus on driving more traffic and repeating the process.

One interesting thing is something called cookies. Many of the affiliate product offers about 30 to 120 days cookie period. This means that if a visitor clicks your affiliate link to land on an affiliate product, and even if they don’t buy anything immediately, but re-visits the site in the next 30 to 120 days, you will earn an affiliate commission.

Joining an affiliate program is quite easy. Companies that offer an affiliate program will have a link on their site which you can click and gather information and join them. Generally, there are no joining fees. It is advisable that you check on their terms and conditions and follow ethical practices.

Many companies also use an affiliate marketplace such as ShareASale, ClickBank, CJ, and many more. You can browse your niche and see the top-performing affiliate programs. These are free to use and you can create a free account.

You can check out programs like Super Affiliate System, SiteSell, SaleHoo, Click Bank University, Click Funnels, etc. where you can get all the tools to succeed in Affiliate Marketing.
