Drop shipping is one of the fastest ways to make easy, risk-free income. However, most peple do not have an idea of how it works and end up doing the wrong things withe the wrong people. As a result, they become poorer in knowledge and money.

Let us therefore, look at what is dropshipping, how to find drop shippers and how you can make money from this.

In simple words, let us understand the following:

What is drop shipping, and what is a drop shipper?

  • Drop shipping is when a company stocks the items, and sends them directly to your customers.
  • Usually when you have an online store, you need to purchase stock. You then need to send individual items to your customers. You need to buy stock in advance.
  • Drop shipping lets you skip this step. When a customer buys an item from you, you contact the drop shipping company (otherwise known as a drop shipper) and purchase the item from them. They will then send this item directly to your customer.
  • This removes the risk arising out of buying and selling online.

How do I make money from this?

  • You need to open up an online store and sell items you can drop ship.
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  • Mark-up the prices to make a profit (usually 10-50%).
  • A popular place to open an online store is eBay.

How do I find drop shippers?

  • There are a lot of drop shippers in China that can’t be trusted. They will take your money and not send you items, or send you illegitimate items that are illegal.
  • The easiest way to find drop shippers that you can trust is through SaleHoo.
  • SaleHoo is an online directory that has over 8,000+ drop shippers, wholesalers and liquidators.
  • Using a directory like SaleHoo is good because you can ensure you will be dealing with verified suppliers you can trust.


Before you venture into this business, have a peep into SaleHoo and how they help you build an online drop shipping for you. Needless to say, you do not need to set up an office and can work from the comforts of your home.

They also have a support system that will help you whenever the need arises.

Get more information visiting their site here = > SaleHoo

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