Online shopping is a method used consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet, without an intermediary. Considering the busy lifestyles of people, it is becoming more and more popular to shop online more out of convenience than anything else.

No doubt online shopping has its merits, however, there are certain disadvantages as well which one needs to consider and take care of.

On the positive side, there are a large number of options from various online shopping sites. Let us look at some of the advantages:

1. You can shop from the comfort of your home without having to visit crowded supermarkets.
2. A wide range of products to compare and select from.
3. Saves your time not traveling to the store.
4. Personal products that you do not want others to notice you buying can be bought online.
5. Avoid waiting in the long queue.
6. Secured payment facilities.
7. Delivery of goods at your doorstep.
8. Online customer service.
9. 24 x 7 shopping convenience.

On the other side the disadvantages are :

1. You cannot make a physical comparison of products. However, suppliers take care to ensure zero defects.
2. Some shippers may charge delivery charges.
3. You will have to wait for product delivery thus losing out on instant purchase satisfaction.
4. If for some reason you have to return the product, then you will have to pay the courier charges.
5. Making payments online although safe can sometimes be risky. You have to, therefore, take the necessary precautions.
6. You cannot buy perishable items.

In view of increased consumer awareness, suppliers ensure defect-free products and try to deliver products as per specifications in minimal time. All said and done, the convenience factor gives online shopping an advantage over other things.

The sellers have the advantage of not having to engage personnel to sell the products, unlike a traditional shop. They also do not have to worry about when to open or close their shop. Nor do they have to be disappointed that the customer wasted their time in exploring the articles and walked away without making a purchase.

You will find several online stores like Alibaba, Walmart, The Body Shop, Price Rite Mart, Amazon, etc. on the internet which could be worth visiting. A wide variety of products like apparel, jewelry, computers, electronic gadgets and accessories, health and beauty products, toys, and several others are easily available at the click of a button. Some of these sites have daily deals or offer great deals on festive or special occasions.

Take care not to be carried away scammers and shop only from reliable sources.

Selling things online is the easiest way for ANYBODY to build a real work-at-home business.